HKUST Conference in International Economics
June 12-13, 2015
Department of
Economics, School
of Business and
HKUST Institute for
Emerging Market Studies (IEMS)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Conference Venue:
Room 1005, 1st Floor, Lee Shau Kee (LSK) Business Building, HKUST
The theme of the
conference is frontiers of research in international
economics. The event is hosted and sponsored by the
Department of Economics
and Institute for Emerging
Market Studies of
HKUST, and will be held in
To check the campus map, please click
For a Chinese address of HKUST to show the taxi driver,
here. |
Confirmed speakers
(alphabetical): |
All participants (except for invited speakers) shall be
responsible for finding and covering the costs of their
own accommodation.