LI, Yao Amber
PhD in Economics

Associate Professor of Economics, and Associate Director, Center for Economic Development, School of Business and Management;
Faculty Associate at HKUST IEMS (Institute for Emerging Market Studies);
Hong Kong Univ of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
SAR, PR China

Tel:  (852) 2358-7605 (O)
Fax: (852) 2358-2084
Email: yaoli
OR yaoamber [at]



About Me

As an associate professor of Economics at HKUST, I am specialized in International Trade, International Macroeconomics, and Chinese Economy. I am a technically skilled economist with interdisciplinary professional experience, ranging from working for national think-tanks and collaborating with policy makers. Click here to see my short biography.




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Yao Amber LI  

Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Economics, School of Business and Management;
Associate Director of Greater Eurasia Research
Faculty Associate, HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies (IEMS);
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


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Yao Amber Li's CV      






  • International Trade (Empirical/Quantitative), Chinese Economy, Empirical International Macroeconomics, Development



  • Quality Upgrading, Innovation, Knowledge Spillovers, Firm Competitiveness



[16] "Bilateral Economies of Scope," with Sichuang Xu, Stephen Yeaple, and Tengyu Zhao.  
Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.  

[15] "Trade Liberalization and Labor Monopsony: Evidence from Chinese Firms," with Illenin Kondo and Wei Qian.    
Journal of International Economics, 2024, forthcoming.  

[14] "Agglomeration, Misallocation, and (the Lack of) Competition," with Wyatt Brooks and Joseph Kaboski.  
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2021.

[13] "Exploitation of Labor? Classical Monopsony Power and Labor's Share," with Wyatt Brooks, Joseph Kaboski, and Wei Qian.
Journal of Development Economics, 2021
, volume 150: 102627.

[12] "Infrastructure Investment and Labor Monopsony Power", with Wyatt Brooks, Joseph Kaboski, Illenin Kondo, and Wei Qian.
IMF Economic Review, 2021,
vol 69, 470–504.  

[11] "Quality, Variable Markups, and Welfare: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Analysis of Export Prices," with Haichao Fan, Sichuang Xu, and Stephen Yeaple.
Journal of International Economics, 2020, Vol 125: 103327. 

[10] "Geography, Ties, and Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Citations in Mathematics," with Keith Head and Asier Minondo.
Review of Economics and Statistics,
2019, Volume 101, Issue 4, p.713-727.

[9] "On the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from China’s Accession to the WTO," with Haichao Fan and Stephen Yeaple.
Journal of International Economics, 2018, Volume 110, pp. 28-49.

[8] "Trade Liberalization and Markups: Micro Evidence from China," with Haichao Fan, Xiang Gao, and Tuan Anh Luong.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 103-130.

[7] "Margins of Imports, Forward-Looking Firms, and Exchange Rate Movements," with Haichao Fan and Chen Carol Zhao.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2018, Volume 81, pp. 185-202.

[6] "Credit Constraints and Firm Productivity: Microeconomic Evidence from China," with Wei Liao and Chen Carol Zhao.
Research in International Business and Finance, 2018, Volume 45, pp. 134-149.

[5] "Price Adjustment to Exchange Rates and Forward-looking Exporters: Evidence from U.S.-China Trade," with Chen Carol Zhao.
Review of International Economics
, 2016, Volume 24 (5), Pages 1023–1049.

[4] "Trade Liberalization, Quality, and Export Prices," with Haichao Fan and Stephen Yeaple.
Review of Economics and Statistics
, 2015, Volume 97, No. 5, pp. 1033-1051.

[3] "Credit Constraints, Quality, and Export Prices: Theory and Evidence from China," with Haichao Fan and Edwin Lai.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015, Volume 43 (2), pp. 390-416.

[2] "Borders and Distance in Knowledge Spillovers: Dying over Time or Dying with Age? -- Evidence from Patent Citations,"
European Economic Review, 2014, Volume 71, pp. 152-172.

[1] "The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications," with John Whalley, Shunming Zhang, and Xiliang Zhao.
The World Economy
, April 2011, 34(4), pp. 516-545.



  • "Physical Productivity and Exceptional Exporter Performance: Evidence from a Chinese Production Survey," with Frederic Warzynski and Valerie Smeets,
    2nd Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Development Economics. 
    This version: July 2024.

  • "The Mechanics of Growing and Maintaining a Supplier Base: Evidence from Chinese Firms", with Stephen Yeaple and Tengyu Zhao, This version: December 2023.
  • "International trade, technology diffusion, and the role of diffusion barriers," Revise&Resubmit.
  • "Credit Distribution and Export: Microeconomic Evidence from China," with Albert Park, Chen Zhao, and Tengyu Zhao, under review.
  • "Coagglomeration of MNEs in Service and Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from China," with Jin Zhang. 
  • "Import response to exchange rate fluctuations: A micro-level investigation," with Bowen Qu, Jenny Xu, and Chen Carol Zhao. 
  • "Trade Liberalization, Demand, and Markups of Multi-Product Firms," with Haichao Fan and Frederic Warzynski. 
  • "On the Relationship Between Foreign Ownership and Productivity of Affiliates: Evidence from China," with Minrui Li. 
  • "Sources of Relatedness between Industries and Revealed Comparative Advantage: Evidence from China," with Linke Zhu.
  • "Approaches to Fostering Productivity Growth in Brazil, China and India," with Manmohan Agarwal and John Whalley, CIGI Working Paper No. 47, April 2010. (in stasis)


[1] Agarwal, Manmohan, Yao Amber Li, and John Whalley (2015), "Innovation and Technology Transfer Policies in China, India, and Brazil," In Manmohan Agarwal and John Whalley (Eds), World Scientific Reference on Asia and the World Economy, Vol 2, India and China: Comparative Experience and Prospects, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, May 2015, Volume 2, chapter 22, pp171-201. [BibTex]  

[2] Li, Yao Amber, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang, and Xiliang Zhao, "China's higher education transformation and its global implications," In Christine T. Ennew and David Greenaway (Eds), The Globalization of Higher Education, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, 2012, pp135-162.



  • 信贷约束对生产率和出口价格关系的影响”,樊海潮、李瑶、郭光 远,世界经济,2015年12期 。 [PDF download]
  • “高新技术产业分工格局的演变与我国高新技术产业对外贸易发展”,安筱鹏、李瑶,科学学与科学技术管理, 2024年,v. 25, (4)。[PDF download]



  • "Multinational R&D, Import Intensity, and Price", with Loretta Fung and Jin-Tan Liu
  • "Multinational Technology Linkage: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Parent Firms and Their Affiliates in China", with Loretta Fung and Jin-Tan Liu



  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The IEMS (HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies) Research Award, 2013
  • University of Western Ontario, The TM Brown Thesis Prize for best doctoral dissertation in Economics, 2010
  • University of Western Ontario, Dean's Award for Research Excellence, 2009
  • University of Western Ontario, Graduate Thesis Research Award, 2008-2009, 2007-2008
  • Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, First Prize, National Award for Research Excellence, 2004 (Research on China's International Trade at Industry Level, joint with Xiaopeng An, et. al.)
  • Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and China Association For Science and Technology, First Prize (Beijing Area), National Challenge Cup Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements among University Students, 2001 (joint with Hua Wu, et. al.)
  • Peking University, The Promising Academic Research Talent Award, 2001
  • Peking University, First Prize, Challenge Cup Competition for Academic Research, 2001 (joint with Hua Wu, et. al.)



  • HKUST: instructor, ECON4364 (International Trade and Investment, Fall 2014, Fall 2013), ECON2123 (Macroeconomics, Spring 2015, Spring/Fall 2014/2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010), ECON4354 (International Trade and Finance, Fall 2011, Fall 2012), ECON338 (Globalization: Trade, Investment, and Exchange Rate, Spring 2011); supervisor, UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program), 2011-2014; supervisor, ECON4670 (Economics Research and Communication), 2011-2014
  • The University of Western Ontario: instructor, ECON2164 (International Finance, Summer 2009)